Saturday, September 12, 2009

1st Day of Pre-School for Treyson

Tuesday, Sept 8th 2009 was Treyson's first day
at Pre-School. He will be attending at the
Alphabet Express Academy. His uncle Rylee
was fortunate enough to have graduated from
this fine institute. Good Luck Teacher Melanie!!!

This is the famous tree that all kids get
their pictures taken in front of.

This is the stairway down to the wonderful pre-school.

Hey I think that the door is locked.
"hey teacher melanie let me in,
It is me, Freyson Lee Rich"

Blakeley turns 7

Mackenzie hosted a wonderful, "Under the Sea"
birthday party for Blakeley.
She is now 7 years old.

She had a lot of friends there and they played in
the back yard.

Her mother made her a cute beach cake.

And by the end of the party she was completly
wigged out on sugar. Good luck with her sleeping