Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas Eve at our house was very fun this year.
We were able to have all of the kids over and the grandkids.
Also a friend of Mackenzie's and Aunt Norine.
We had the annual opening of the "christmas eve jammies" (sorry kids, not homemade this year)

Maybe I will get started earlier next year and get back to the home made ones.
We made gingerbread houses and Tia loved licking the extra icing off of Tagg's ears.
I think that Tagg liked it too.
Mackenzie put alot of work into her house of gingerbread.
Tagg got away with a lick or two off the top of gingerbread house that was unoccupied.....
Treyson was very proud of his masterpiece, which he worked very hard at completing.....
Rylee was quite proud of his artwork as well.

This was our first year at making gingerbread houses on christmas eve and I think that
we enjoyed it.  We might have to continue this and make it a tradition for each year.
Jim also was all decked out and in christmas attire.  Check out this
hand made crossed stitched sweatshirt donning the goold ole "DUCK THE MALLS"


TIA was so excited for christmas this year that she was the first one up (other than the photographer)

She was very diligent in searching her for her stash from Santa
She finally got the toys off the couch only to discover that they were attached to a stupid cardboard that needed a human touch to remove.