Monday, December 1, 2008

Moving Day and Stringing Cranberries.....

We decided to do the old fasioned christmas garland by stringing popcorn and cranberries. Well I did not feel like hanging "BUTTER LOVERS" popcorn on the tree so I tried using "Corn Pops" they actually worked out better and looked really cute. Grandpa helped and Rylee took pictures. It was a good Family Home Evening.

I tended the boys while Jim went and helped with the moving. First they moved Lee and Veloy out of the house and into their new home and then they had to bring all of Zac and CJ's things from the shop back to Lee and Veloys. It was a pretty long day but the boys and I got along pretty good. Treyson had a good time trying to build a train while Tagg kept trying to tear it down. I can see why we are to raise our children while we are young. I was pretty worn out and really had not done anything....

Grandpa did stop in to help out a little by feeding Tagg.

1 comment:

Chamberlains said...

I've so totally never strung popcorn, etc, but really wanted to try it! Maybe I'll try it for my little trees downstairs. I don't know if keeping up with kids comes any easier if you're younger - course I waited a little longer than most. Eden can wear me down most days.