Saturday, June 19, 2010

That's all I got

Well the big Ragnar Wasatch Back Relay race came thru Morgan last night and I was able to be a guest house for Mackenzie's team. Unfortunately I did not get out the camera to take pictures of all the people running in the day light and when it came time for Mackenzie to run it was dark.

The girls pretty well provided everything that they needed. Kenzie brought up lasagne, fruit, papergoods and water the night before. I just had to put the lasagne in the oven to cook before the first load of runners came. They ran in two groups of 6 members each. They each take a leg and pass off to the next runner. They end up running all night and part of the next day. I think that the total number of miles they run is about 188. Whew!!!

We went up to the corner and helped direct traffic so no one got hit while running and had a really good time. We came back home about 1:00 am. Kenzie finally called and said she was stuck in traffic in Henefer so we went to bed. I think they got here about 2:30 am and they took showers and had something to eat and then crashed on the couches and floors for a little while before heading out to meet up with thier team and do their last leg of running. Over all I think it was a good expierence. Someone said that there were 1000 teams of 12 or so this year. Wow that is a lot of people
Thanks for including me and letting me be part of the night. It was really fun.


Teresa said...

We went to the dirt spot in Peterson for a few hours and had a great time. I have the bug to run another race but NOT the Ragnar! Fun times!

Ashley and Nate said...

Wow, this is amazing! Never heard of a race like this - craziness! Was it just nurses?