Sunday, September 14, 2008


Our group went up on Friday night to get the trailers out of the hills for the season. It was a quick overnighter just to pack up and get everything winterized. We got got there about 5:30 and there was already a fire built by Grandpa Ferrin. We cooked hot dogs and S'mores and then just sat and visited till about 12:00 midnight. It was pretty cool but not really cold.

The next morning we had to wake up "Mr. Hollywood, Boyd" and cut down a couple of trees so that they would not fall down onto the awning during the winter.
They had to discuss the way to cut down the trees over breakfast muffins.

This was our last campfire of the season.

This is the supervisor puppy, Gracie. She stood watch over everything that was done to make sure that we did it correctly.

Rylee slept thru most of the packing up until I had to move him in order to make his bed so we could pack up the trailer.

All in all we had a great time and are very glad that we have this opportunity to go up to Lava and share good times with our friends and family. We look forward to going up again next year and expanding our property to include our children and friends.

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